Thursday, May 29, 2008

Amsterdam & Brussels

The Benelux is an amazing part of the world that we had the privilege of visiting over Memorial Day weekend. When moving to Europe Brussels and Amsterdam were two places that were top priority for us to visit. Now having lived here for almost three years, the trip proved to be an incredible experience as we had imagined that it would be. We did have reservations about stereotypes of the region but we found the reality of these cities to be quite amazing.

During this trip we came to a realization that we were meant to travel. I know some of you may say that these traits in us are very telling as well as that you knew this long ago. Our desires are to see the world together and we are attempting to do so one city/coutry at a time. So, we leave you with the pictures to present the story in detail of our excursion.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Catching Up...

Well here we are with a blog. Once upon a time we vowed that we would only have one method of connecting our life with all on the internet. Recently we noticed (with some not so subtle comments from friends) that the previous source that we had been utilizing was not efficient enough in meeting our needs. Therefore we decided to transition into the usage of this great site to keep the people we care about up to date on our lives.

So with that being said, Team Molina still reside in Northern Italy and will be so for the next few months. Our lives are quite simple in a complicated way. Char has a completely unpredictable job, that is highly demanding, yet fulfills his wild heart. So, he truly wouldn't have it any other way. Mel on the other side of the spectrum has resigned from her traditional place of work for a new endeavour of challenging people to obtain a healthy and fit lifestyle through personal training. Through this position she finds great relief and inspiration from the stresses of the completion of her graduate work. Enough about our work, because we believe "those that work hard, play hard". Yes, to say the least we like to play. Over the last six months we have discovered that we are adventure driven people. Our new favorite challenges include hiking, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, sea kayaking, trail running and marathoning. The adrenaline at the present moment is running high in the running arena with our training for the Army 10-miler competition at the end of the month. The privilege of being on this team has been an incredible training experience that has us ready to relax and in need of a recovery cruise that is scheduled in June! That being said, over the last couple of months we have still been doing what we love best and that is traveling with each other. Since the beginning of 2008 we have visited a laundry list of places in Europe some of the major ones include: Vienna, Salzburg, a ton of villages in the Alps, Prague, Munich, Garmisch, Cinqueterre, Dresden and Frankfurt. Our next cities to conquer will be Brussels and Amsterdam this next weekend. That should have caught you up on our most recent happenings. Stay tuned for continual updates on our random life adventures and thoughts.