Sunday, April 19, 2009

God is so good...

Hey There!

God is always so good and we just wanted to start by highlighting this reality in our life! Though we know we serve an awesome God. For some reason we never cease to be amazed by God's faithfulness to lead and guide our paths. This is the praise on our hearts as we share what all has been going on with us.

Mel's parents came for a visit over Easter weekend. It was great to have my mom and dad in our new place and be able to show them around the area in which we live. Every Easter we get together and have some kind of adventure. So this year we headed to Washington D.C.! As a family we covered just about every attraction the city has to offer. Charokee and I really enjoyed seeing all of these again with mom and dad. An extra special highlight was that we had the opportunity to attend a sunrise service at Arlington National cemetery. This was a sureal and moving experience to celebrate the life and resurection of our Saviour in a place of honor for the men and women of our country that have served so selflessly. We are so glad that mom and dad were able to visit and super excited that they will be meeting us in North Carolina next weekend for Mother's Day!

That brings us to the big news about where we are heading to next. Our new home of residence will be in Fayetteville, North Carolina. We are really excited about this rapidly upcoming move. Ft. Bragg was our second choice but the reality is that we wanted to be where the Lord wanted to send us. This assignment is a huge answer to prayer in the direction the Lord wants to take our family and Char's career. This is his dream job and even better he is headed to a special school in July to prepare him for this assignment. So with that being said we are heading to Fayetteville this weekend to look for a house. Yes, finally we are going to have the opportunity to purchase our first home. We are so pumped and terrified all at the same time. Since we will be moving out of our loft at the end of May we are hoping to find a place rather quickly. We know it is all in the Lord's hands, as He has opened and closed many doors to direct us to this point on our journey. We will keep you posted on the outcome of the house hunting trip. We intend to purchase a home large enough for many guest to come and visit. So we look forward to seeing you soon in North Carolina!