Sunday, September 7, 2008

A few weeks in review...

Ciao, it has been a while since we posted anything so here we are giving a little update on what we have been up to. The last few weeks we have traveled between Italy, Austria and Germany. Here are some pictures to tell the story of our adventures.


Will & Abby's Life said...

WOW! That glider trip looks so fun (and scary!). You are so brave, I can't believe how high you are all by yourself. Yikes!

So how much longer in Italia and where are y'all headed next???

Will & Abby's Life said...

Hey...I tried calling ya'll this weekend, but your phone was being weird. Do y'all still have the same number?

Hope all is well :)

Call us when you get a chance!

Jade said...

nathan and i want to go to Italia in the fall of 09, will you still be there?

Will & Abby's Life said...

You need to update! Do y'all know the dates you're going to do your Tour of Texas yet? We want to see you guys while you're here!