Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello from the Molina's in Virginia!

Hello, for the first time in 2009! We are back from our little sebatical of reclusiveness of the comings and going of the Molina's. The last three months have been a whirlwind for us. We are now getting settled in to our new little aboad in Petersburg, Va. The next six months promise to be a little slower paced for our family as we reintegrate back into the lifestyle of the land of the free. With that being said, we feel that we would be remiss if we did not give a short recap of our travels over the last three months and the testimony of protection from our Father throughout our experiences.

At the end of October we completed the Venice marathon. It was an amazing bonding experience for us as a couple. That ended the month of October and led in to a crazy November. We spent the begining of the month in Germany for Charokee's eye surgery. His PRK surgery was a sucess and his recovery has been amazing. During his recovery time we enjoyed northern Germany as we knew it would be our last visit for a while. An added blessing was that we were able to visit Paul and Heidi Smith to catch up and have an early Thanksgiving celebration. Upon return to Italy we were back on the road heading to Egypt. We celebrated Thanksgiving Egyptian style while staying in Cairo. We had an amazing trip and there is so much to tell about the trip that we would not give it justice in this short update. Therefore we hope you enjoy the story through the pictures. Returning to Italy we began celebrating Melany's birthday week and ended with a trip to Slovenia. That week also brought the end of
our job positions in Italy. The next week we packed out of our house, celebrated Charokee's birthday, shipped our car, said goodbye to frieds and boarded an airplane headed to Texas for the holidays.

We spent Christmas with Melany's family in East Texas. It was great to be all together with family for Christmas for the first time in four years. After spending some time with Mel's parents in Fredricksbug we connected with Chy and Matt heading to Corpus Christi for New Years. We spent a few days catching up and celebrating with family to ring in the new year. To start off 2009 we traveled to Houston to visit with the Zeller's, Maegar's, and Portier's. We had a blast fellowshiping with these old friends. From Houston we took a little gettaway to Las Vegas for just the two of us. It was our first time in Vegas and it was fabulous! After some crazy fun in Vegas we traveled back to Ft. Worth to hang out with the Segrist family. It was a delight spending time with Mer and Sandy as well as our incredible nephew Sam. Time on leave went by so fast and before we knew it we were back at mom and dad Poldrack's getting ready to leave for Virginia. We felt so blessed to be able to spend so much time visiting with family and friends. It was refueling to our spirits to see and visit with everyone as we have often missed fellowship over the last few years.

Our new adventure began on January 11th as this was our first day back in Virginia. Moving back to the U.S. has been a challenging process but the Lord is in control and He never gives us more than we can handle. The first priority was finding a new home. Praise the Lord we found a great loft in the Old Historic area of Petersburg, Va. Another challenge was needing a vehicle while our car is being shipped from Europe. The Lord provided us with a great second car and Charokee's little dream in the form of a Mini Cooper S. This little car has been a tremendous blessing and we love driving little coop. We also praise the Lord that He led us to our new home church through our furniture salesman. It is such a blessing to be able to choose what house of worship we want to attend. We really feel that this is where the Lord wants us to minister for the next six months. There have been some scary events since we arrived in Virginia. One of which was being in a restaurant during an armed robbery. This was quite unsettling but another opportunity for us to see the Lords protection. The Lords hand has been upon us in so many ways and these are just a few that we have shared. We will keep you posted on future events or random ramblings from the Molina's.


Nancy said...

Well, we miss you here. I see your old car outside and think of you guys. Sounds like your adventures during leave were great. It's so wonderful to hear how grateful you are for the blessings given you by the Lord and how much you recoginize His hand in your lives. I wish you could hear Jaron lately... he's learned to pray all by himself. It is the sweetest thing ever. Every night he is thankful for Mommy, Daddy, and Mommy's hair. And then there are other various things he's thankful for. It's so cute. I look forward to keeping in touch through our blogs. Good luck in Virginia! (Totally jealous of the Mini Cooper.)

Will & Abby's Life said...

Yay for an update from you guys, although we did get to catch up just a few weeks ago.

How fun that y'all got a mini cooper! They're very cute cars and they're made by BMW ;)

Yikes, that armed robbery sounds scary, so glad y'all are ok. Post pics of the new place soon, it sounds cute :)

The Zellers said...

Oh our dearest friends the Molinas, so glad to hear that ya'll arrived safely to Virgina! It was SO amazing to get to see you both while on your traveling extravaganza!! I hope that now that you are state side we will be able to reconnect more often! Ya'll are a blessing to us! OMG...about the armed robbery, so awesome about the new place and car and a SUPER AMEN to God's gracious love and hand in your lives....GOD is good!

Unknown said...

I can't believe how time fly's. It seems like only a few days ago we got to visit with you both. Glad to see you made it safely to Virginia! John is so jealous of y'alls new car. We've always wanted to try one out since we saw Italian Job a few years ago.

Looking forward to seeing more blogs soon!